Sustainability Management
Safety Management
SeAH Besteel puts safety and health first in our business activities and continuously improves to minimize accidents and injuries that may occur during the production, use, and disposal of special steel, heavy forgings, and automotive parts in order to achieve harmony between people and business.
We comply with domestic and international requirements such as safety and health laws and international agreements and proactively respond to regulations by setting strict self-management standards.
We strive to achieve safety and health goals and improve the health of employees through accident prevention activities to prevent loss of life and property and response activities to minimize damage in the event of an emergency.
We understand safety and health regulations, standards, and management policies, faithfully fulfill safety responsibilities and obligations, and actively participate in safety and health activities based on a corporate culture that upholds the basics and principles.
By operating a communication system to provide information among all workers, we listen to opinions for safety and health, continuously identify and take action on risks, and actively support safety and health activities to remove risks.
All executives and employees shall understand the safety and health management policy, participate in safety and health activities at all times, and do our best to maintain an optimal safety and health management system through active improvement activities.
Strategic Tasks for Safety and Health Management
Based on safety and health management policies, SeAH Besteel strives for zero serious accidents.
Establishment of a safety and
health management system
The SeAH Besteel Gunsan and Changnyeong plants have obtained ISO 45001, the international standard for safety and health management systems, and KOSHA-MS certification from the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency, and are consistently implementing safety management.
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Environmental Management
To take the lead as an eco-friendly company by recognizing the environment as the top priority of company activities and practising environmental management, SeAH Besteel pledges that all executives and employees will practise the following during management activities and business execution
We strive to preserve the global environment and implement a carbon-neutral society by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing pollution through process improvement and the development of eco-friendly technology.
We promote large-scale change by actively implementing modest actions.
We establish stringent self-management standards for rapidly changing and strengthening environmental laws and complying with those laws and regulations.
We continuously work to increase the rate of resource recycling, develop new technologies to enhance the value of by-products, and reduce the waste generation.
We protect the environment by minimizing pollution and establishing optimal environmental management practices (integrated management).
We communicate with all executives and employees through the SHE Integrated Council, which leads the transition to a pleasant workplace.
Establishment of an Environmental
Management System
SeAH Besteel practises continuous eco-friendly management and environmental improvement based on PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) while obtaining environmental management system (ISO 14001) and energy management system (ISO 50001) certifications.
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Responding to Climate Change
SeAH Besteel is an eco-friendly company that recycles steel scrap as a circulating resource in an electric furnace to produce steel. Furthermore, it is developing a management system to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, beginning with a goal of reducing 12% of carbon emissions by 2030 through systematic management of carbon emissions, the development of low-carbon products, waste recycling, energy efficiency, the use of new and renewable energy, etc.
Environmental Management Organization