Sustainability Management
Ethical Management
SeAH's ethical management goes beyond the basic meaning of fulfilling legal obligations and not engaging in fraudulent acts, It’s to ensure that each of its employees performs their duties on behalf of SeAH responsibly, It upholds the basics and principles, and fulfills as well as their social responsibilities. In order for customers, partners, shareholders, and the company to grow together.
Ethics Charter
SeAH respects the order of a free market economy, It strives for fair and transparent competition based on an ethical corporate culture one that adheres to the fundamentals and principles of the law and regulations. In doing so, SeAH aims to become a "company that makes the world a more beautiful place" by developing rich values in collaboration with our stakeholders.
Code of Ethics
Responsibility to Stakeholders
SeAH prioritizes the value of its customers and shareholders and also promotes shared prosperity with its partners.
Social Responsibility
SeAH aims to be a corporate citizen trusted by society Done by, transparent management and rational business development.
Basic Ethics of Employees
SeAH's employees have the right values and do not engage in unethical or illegal acts, one’s that may be condemned by society in their daily lives and work.
Responsibility to Employees
SeAH considers its employees to be its most valuable assets. It does its best to make the company a place of self-actualization.
Ethical Management Suggestion Center
Your insightful suggestions are the foundation of ethical and transparent corporate management.
You can make suggestions anonymously, and your confidentiality is fully protected.
SeAH's Zero Tolerance
SeAH identifies bullying, sexual harassment, and violence in the workplace. "Three Acts" that should never occur in the workplace. We will disciplines perpetrators of these acts according to Zero Tolerance.
Bullying in the workplace
Sexual harassment in the workplace
Violence in the workplace
Major activities
SeAH Besteel has established the Ethical Management Office. More this here to carry out the company's ethical management activities
Conduct training on zero tolerance once a year
Conduct regular ethical management surveys
Pledge to practice ethical management by all employees
Establish internal regulations on ethics
Compliance management
From July 1, 2021, we will declare compliance management a company-wide core value, we will work with all employees
to make it a part of SeAH's culture. The path for SeAH Besteel is to become a company that adheres to the basics and principles,
a company One that earns the respect of customers and society, and a mature company that "makes the world a more beautiful place."
This depends on the efforts of all employees to practice with a high sense of pride and ethics as a member of SeAH.
SeAH Besteel strictly declares its compliance management and will continue to invest the necessary
management resources to become an exemplary compliant corporate citizen.
(From the 2021 Compliance Management Declaration)
- on July 1, 2021, Chairman Lee Soonhyung -
Compliance Management Charter
SeAH Besteel aims to establish SeAH Besteel's compliance management system We aim to by establishing the Compliance Management Charter. This specifies the highest norms for compliance management while providing a basis for decision-making and judgment.
View the full Compliance Management CharterOperation of the compliance management system
SeAH Besteel has established a compliance management system Establishing a compliance team and responding to various compliance risks that may arise through business.
Compliance officer system
SeAH Besteel designates a compliance officer to prevent compliance risks in advance.
A compliance officer is appointed in each organization and is responsible for compliance.
Major activities
SeAH Besteel conducts a variety of activities to for compliance management.
Conduct annual compliance inspections
Conduct regular compliance training
Perform compliance improvement activities
Maintain regulations and distribute guides
Publish campaigns and newsletters